VSC News
On 7 May, 2013 By admin
Village Sports Club offers Top Notch Venues for Work and Play
On 4 May, 2013 By Anonymous (not verified)
VSC members like Teng and Zach Tankeh can play billiards at the Tempus Sports Lounge.
MANILA, Philippines - Apart from different village clubhouses with limited space, places that combine the amenities of sports complexes and conference venues are almost absent in southern Metro Manila. But The Village Sports Club (VSC) offers not only Olympic-level sports facilities for the entire family, it is also geared for business meetings with its fully equipped function rooms.
Live Active
On 1 May, 2013 By Anonymous (not verified)
I've always deemed myself for living a healthy and active lifestyle (or at least I try to) Yes... It saddens me to admit that I've reached the "point-of-no-return" as I call it when the weighing scale is about to tip and the muffins (not the yummy looking ones) are getting more and more obvious. They say that step one into self transformation is admitting what you've been trying to deny to yourself.