The Village Sports Club is a family oriented organization, and as such, members must conduct themselves at all times in a respectable manner.
VSC members should do all to promote the well-being of the club.
VSC members should always have their membership card with them to avail of the services and / or facilities. A lost membership card will result in a replacement charge. You will not be permitted access to the club without your membership card.
VSC members and their guests should dress appropriately while using the club facilities. Shoes and shirts are required at all times in the club.
A guest fee will be charged for each guest visit. Guest must enter the club facilities with a member and be accompanied by the member while using the club facilities. Each guest must abide by the rules and regulations of the Club and the sponsoring member is responsible for the action of the guest, including unreturned locker keys and towels. The guest must present his/her driver’s license (or a comparable picture ID) and complete the guest register with each visit.
Firearms, prohibited drugs and smoking are not permitted in the premises of VSC.
Bringing of Food and Drinks outside the club of not allowed.
Bodyguards and yayas should stay in the waiting areas.
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