News & Updates

03/05/2014 - 00:00

They all have the love for sports. They all strive to better themselves in their chosen field. They are The Village Sports Club Multi-Sport League (VSC MSL).

A rat-pack of energetic, optimistic and dedicated individuals who aim to cross that finish line whether in swimming, cycling,...

02/09/2014 - 00:00

The kick off activity of Alaska IronKids happened at The Village Sports Club last 9 February 2014. Our very own members participated and took home prizes: Gabriel Labasan (1st Place, 6-8 Category), Noah Labasan (2nd Place, 6-8 Category), Franco Gabriel De Guzman (11th Place, 9-10 Category), Ryan...

01/01/2014 - 00:00

It's not too late, trek to The Village Sports Club’s Boost Health Bar and delight in its special drinks concoctions and other...Read More

It's not too late, trek to The Village Sports Club’s Boost Health Bar and...

11/27/2013 - 00:00


11/27/2013 - 00:00

VSC was proud to hand the MVP trophy in last year's VSC Interschool Basketball Competition Developmental Division to its very own member Ralph Vincent Santos. Vinci, as friends know him, regularly shoot hoops with big brother in VSC's hard court. Perseverance and dedication in the sport is...

11/27/2013 - 00:00

VCS presents "Welcome to CandyLand VSCs Halloweekend Special".

Thank you dear sponsors!


11/27/2013 - 00:00

We all know the two most basic and fundamental tenets of Staying Fit:

1. Do not go hungry or starve. You can eat a lot of protein and vegetables so there's no need to skip a meal.

2.Stay away from sugar and all things white or could be white- sweets, rice, pasta, bread, potatoes,...

11/27/2013 - 00:00

Planting Project Let's plant the seed of Environmental Consciousness this November. DOnate a seedling and let's grow plants.

11/27/2013 - 00:00

Expect a light-filled Yuletide season when you drop by The Village Sports Club this December.  The management has prepared a special 15-minute light and sound show entitled Radiant Christmas at the VSC grounds.  Members and guests can catch the show every Tuesday until Sunday 6:30PM and &7:...

06/05/2013 - 00:00

BF Homes Paranaque is a republic unto itself. It deserves to be so, being the biggest subdivision in Asia (or so they say). We don’t live here, but I’ve always loved going here. Number one reason…. the FOOD, and simply just hanging out. There’s no dearth of good things to do: my “secret”...
